Backlog Basics During the Busy Season

I am sure the word “backlog” in the middle of the busiest time of year, makes you feel some strong emotions. Typically, this time of year is busy in every way possible. It is easy to start turning down new work because you can’t see the end of the to-do list. Don’t get me wrong, that is a great place to be in! But you should consider spending more time managing your backlog. Here is why: 
Use it to your advantage!
By creating a backlog, you are able to accept new work, without adding to the current workload. This means you don’t have to say no to any incoming work, and by having a clean backlog, you can provide accurate start dates to ensure you aren’t upsetting clients. (More on that later on)
Fill up your slow season!
While you might be booked up right now, creating a backlog of work that can be done in the slower season can help you prepare for that time of year. This potentially means less layoffs, better cash flow throughout the year, and more income! 
Everyone is busy!
You aren’t the only busy company. That means that when you tell someone no, it is likely they won’t find another company who can complete the work sooner than you can. Explaining this to clients and adding them to the backlog means that YOU get the work. Don’t miss out on opportunities! 
Simply put, it is bad business basics NOT to maximize your backlog. You are only missing out on profits. But how do you manage the backlog efficiently? Let’s look at these three basics:
Strong Scheduling System
No matter what kind of business software you use, creating and implementing a scheduling system is necessary. This looks like defining the scheduling practice (maybe certain types of jobs are scheduled for a certain month), and it looks like ensuring the calendar is simple and easy to understand. You want to avoid double booking jobs or scheduling mishaps. 
As mentioned above, it is important to prioritize work. This can be based off of different variables. For instance, defining what kind of work is best to do during the summer, vs which ones can be done later in the year. You might also consider prioritizing projects for current clients over new ones. There are many factors, considering them all will help you find the most success. 
When you are working with a long backlog, communication with your clients is key! No matter how strategically you schedule jobs out, things happen. You might need to move things back. That’s ok, but you must communicate with the client to ensure no one gets upset. 
Maximizing the use of your backlog is one step towards operational excellence! If you have any questions on this topic, or other operational struggles, schedule a consultation today.


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