Implementers Get the Biggest Return

November 24, 2021

As a business owner, you are likely to find yourself spending a generous portion of your time evaluating your company’s success, its processes, and considering ways you might strategically adjust. Most business owners are the same in this way. From here, there are two types of owners; those who act on these thoughts and implement something new, and those who spend the same amount of time considering options, but don't act on it. Be the Implementer! Here are a couple reasons why, when you are, you will get a bigger return.

You cannot really know until YOU try.

If you are considering making some type of change, you will never know the outcome unless you give it a shot. Maybe it is a different software, outsourcing some work, hiring a consultant, restructuring your organizational chart, etc. These are all big decisions for a business owner to make. And since they are big decisions, the choice you make can often determine how successful you are. 

If you are not naturally someone who jumps at the chance to make a change, you are likely to take the approach of putting high value on the effectiveness of this change to other companies. While this is a great idea, at some point you must remember that no company is exactly the same. While something might work great for another landscape contractor, it might not work for you. And vice versa. 

If it comes down to two choices: whether you make a change or not, remember how you got here. You started down this path because you aren’t happy with the way things currently are. Some type of change must happen. So, take the leap! Implement the change! 

Even if it fails – you have grown!

Let me ask you… what is the worst that can happen? “It doesn’t work.” “Failure.” 

You are not wrong! Thankfully, failure might not be that bad. Even if you do fail, now you know. If you had not made the choice to implement the change, you would still be right where you started. When you fail, you can assess what happened, what worked and what didn’t. With this information you can modify the process or choice you made and give it another shot with some changes. Most of the time growth comes with a few bumps in the road.

You are one step closer to success

Because you make the choice, no matter the outcome being failure or success, you have grown. You are coming out the other side with more knowledge than when you started. Now you can make the next step. Maybe it is implementing another new process. Or maybe it’s continuing to fine-tune your current one. 

The more you take a chance and be an Implementer, you will become more comfortable with these types of decisions. The more comfortable you are, the less emotional you will be in the process. You will have a clearer mind, knowing that no matter the outcome, it will be ok. With this mindset, you can accomplish a whole lot more than someone who is stuck at the beginning still too scared to make the change. 

If you are still on the fence, you are probably thinking “easier said than done.” You are right. We know because that is what we do! We help companies just like yours take the leap and implement something new. We know the struggle of making decisions, building the right team to get it done, dealing with pushback from employees, etc. This is where we can help. Not only can we bring unemotional, calm conversation to your table, but we will help you through culture shock, strategy, and roadblocks along the way. If you would like to discuss how your company might benefit from working with us, schedule a consultation today. 


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