Healthy CRM Habits

Client Relation Management software is not cheap. When you’re putting money into a software program such as a CRM, it is important to maximize its use. Or as one might say, get the biggest bang for your buck. There are two sides to this; utilizing all its features and keeping the system clean and organized, or healthy. Let’s look at some specific examples of how to keep your CRM healthy, specifically related to Aspire Software, but applicable no matter the software you use.

The Basics
The first step to a healthy CRM is defining some basic procedures that keep it clean. Such as searching before you add. To avoid double entry of properties and contacts (or even material items) always search the system before you create a new one. When searching, use multiple spelling versions and variations to double-check it is not already in the system. Another basic procedure might be standardizing how a property name is entered. For example, you might create a standard that all residential clients are entered as “Last Name, Residence”. This provides internal consistency.

Structure Your Rhythms 
When you have a system as versatile as Aspire, it is important to create a flow of communication. This is relative to the management of sales/prospects and of clients. This looks like defining where a phone call is logged, what information is required to be entered, how often should the team reach out to the client, how does information get from the client to the team or vice versa?

Speaking specifically to Aspire Software, the best way to log this information is through Activity tasks and issues. Client communication between the sales rep or account manager and the client is logged as a task. All internal communication regarding a client is logged as an issue and left open until the issue is resolved.

Taking it a step further, check out our blogs on Communication within Your Organization and Providing Consistency to Your Clients.

Defined Roles
Although this might seem off-topic, it is crucial to define the responsibilities of everyone’s roles within the system. For example, only Sales Reps should be creating new Properties in the system. Or you might take advantage of Aspire's ability to streamline opportunity approval through Workflows, ensuring the right people are approving work in the right order. The examples here are endless, and the key is that clear responsibilities for your companies employees will allow them to focus on the right things and produce better work.

Aside from maximizing the use of your CRM, these practices also make client and sales management much easier when there is a shift in responsibility (employee turnover, or movement in positions). By this I mean, when someone suddenly is not responsible for a client account or sale in progress, the next person can find all their information and communication in one place. This is why defining standards and then holding your team accountable to them is so important. Your CRM’s health is in your employee's hands, and without their work, it can become messy and lead to unhappy clients or lost jobs.

Contact us to discuss this topic further or ask any questions!


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